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 Tilehurst URC

 Armour Road, Tilehurst, RG31 3HN


Welcome to St Andrew's

St. Andrew’s URC seeks to provide a happy friendly atmosphere whilst providing a safe, caring Christian family environment for all children and young people who come on to church premises.  


We are truly multicultural with peoples from over 20 nations worshipping together.  


You will be made very welcome.



The church building is open for Sunday Services

Services start at 11.00am unless otherwise shown


               You can also JOIN US ONLINE for Services via Zoom 

Meeting ID:     465 947 9014           Password:      087977

Sun  2nd Mar 11.00am   Retirement Service                                                                  including Holy Communion    Rev Robert Barthram

Sun   9th Mar 11.00am   Morning Service      Dr Scott Wheeler

Su16th Mar 11.00am   Morning Service      Rev David Witts

Sun 23th Mar 11.00am   Morning Service      Dr Rebecca Bullard

Sun 30th Mar 11.00am   Mothering Sunday Service   Dr Phebe Mann

If you need to talk, please see our CONTACT US page and call our Minister or our Church Secretary. 


Junior Church 

We welcome families and have an active Junior Church, where during morning service our young people leave with trained leaders for their own groups .



Safeguarding is taken seriously at St Andrew's and all our Junior Church leaders have been subject to DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks and have appropriate certification.


Link to Safeguarding Policy

Local Church News

St. Andrew’s Public Access Defibrillator 

A Defibrillator could save YOUR Life or the Life of SOMEONE you have still to meet.


What is a Defibrillator?

A defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart of someone who is in cardiac arrest.

This high energy shock is called defibrillation, and it is an essential part in trying to save the life of someone who is in cardiac arrest.

The defibrillator will give clear instructions on what to do in the event of a cardiac arrest and checks the heart rhythm and will only tell you to shock if it is needed.


You cannot shock someone accidentally, and you may be able to save a life.


Your Nearest Public Access Defibrillator?

St Andrew’s Church has been at the heart of Redland Ward for Oone hundred and forty seven years and its members and friends have raised funds and installed a Public Access Defibrillator on the Church wall of St Andrew’s in London Road at its junction with Craven Road.


Defibrillator Site Ref:          RG1 5BD

Public Access  simply means the External Casing is locked and you will get the access code by dialling 999.

Please Scan the QR Code below to view the Defibrillator Training Video.

Produced by the BHF, YOU will learn what to expect if you ever have to access and use a Defibrillator. 


St Andrew's Link


Situated close the Royal Berks Hospital, St Andrew's members have for many years been part of the Hospital Community as doctors, nurses or volunteers.


We are pleased to support the RBH Intensive Care Team who twice each year organise and lead a Memorial Service for the families of those patients who have passed away in the unit.


In addition, regular building users include the Blood Transfusion Service, Prostate Cancer, Bladder Cancer and Reading Diabetes UK groups.


Part of our Vision is to be at the Heart of our local Community, so if you need support for one of these conditions, please see our 'Useful Links' Page.



Readifood have moved to bigger premises in Boulton Road and are providing essential support to an increasing number of families every month. Food is supplied by referral only so the need is very real.  


Readifood boxes are located at doors of our worship room and any food stuffs in a tin, bottle or packet and in reasonable date are welcome.


Thank you for your continued support throughout the year.

‘Together we can Help.'


IMPORTANT - St Andrew's Church Car Park - Warning Notice


Due to a high number of unauthorised users parking in rented spaces, the Church Meeting in October 18 agreed to use a car park management company to which authorised car park users can upload a picture of the offending vehicle occupying their space.

The company will then obtain the vehicle owner's details and issue a penalty charge notice of £100.

Prominent Warning Signage is on Display.

Part of URC Reading Group with Grange and Tilehurst United Reformed Churches


St Andrew's URC Reading

New URC Logo

 Grange URC

 Circuit Lane, Southcote, RG30 3HD


Welcome to St Andrew's URC, Reading, we invite you to join us any Sunday morning or at one of our regular activities.


We are part of a joint pastorate of United Reformed Churches in Reading under the ministry of

Revd Robert Barthram and we invite you to join us at one of our churches situated across Reading.

The United Reformed Church doctrine is from the Reformed tradition and was formed by the amalgamation of the

Presbyterian and Congregational Churches of England and later with the Churches of Christ.

You will be made very welcome.

St Andrews URC


  St Andrew's United Reformed Church

    London Road, Reading, RG1 5BD

    (By the Royal Berkshire Hospital)


The church is open for Sunday Worship

and we have creche facilities available.

You can also join us online via Zoom for Sunday Worship - see below for details.


(c) St Andrews URC, Reading

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